One bite was all it took she was in love. The always hungry heifer fulfilled her promises to friends to try an authentic New York bagel at some point during her first trip there. oh man the list just goes on and on! There was no convincing Poppy that any bagel could be better than what she already was eating. Bagels go great with cream cheese or butter, can be used to make a sandwich, turned into pizza bagels, baked into crispy and addictive bagel chips. She always thought of the bagel as such a tasty yet versatile food. Poppy would always make a face of disbelief at those who told her this, and then she would go home and make a bagel-based meal to calm herself down. But what was the hype? She just didn’t understand. Everyone always advertised as having fresh, New York style bagels.

What could be so special about a bagel? Bagels were her favorite type of bread, but how could anyone really improve upon them any further? Heck, she would even seem claims like these in the windows of her local cafes and bakeries. Poppy remembered before her first trip to the Big Apple that everyone kept telling her that there’s no bagel like a New York bagel. Even the dollar slices of pizza out on the street taste so much better here than anywhere else. It’s also a hot spot for finding lots of Italians, as well as some of the most exquisite Italian dishes around. The city has many culturally diverse neighborhoods which offers many tasty authentic international dishes that you can’t find anywhere else in the U.S. There are many cuisines NYC is known for. The hustle and bustle, the glittering lights, the over-the-top musical productions on Broadway, but best of all, the food. One of her favorite places to visit is New York City. She absolutely considers herself a foodie, and insists on trying the best of the best foods where ever she finds herself. She’s quite the globetrotter for such a young heifer. What are they glutton for?: Poppy is big into traveling and has been all around the world. Get help from staff You can ask for help with your account, report a problem, or ask some other question to us here.

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