Quit-out the encounter (boss fights too), if you feel, like you screwed up badly, or got unlucky. So you have to manually keep track on any status effects from your memories (I hope it's gonna be patched). Your skills only show flat default damage (not exactly true, check bugs section for more info). You can't choose order of actions even if 2 units are in the same point in a timeline, which is strange and basically hinders most of the combo possibilities. Maybe there are specific events for boss fights, but mostly they are just affecting synapses. These events will not affect boss fights in any way. Sometimes they can help, sometimes they don't. So you can be almost certain who will be attacked and by whom. There are descriptions for AI attack priorities. You will save time on healing in a long terms. You will unlock ability for fresh "Daughters" start from level 4. I will recommend you to recollect immediately after beating 1st boss. Game penalizes you for exceeding AP really hard, so save your AP, unless going burst is absolutely necessary or just safe. Just wait for them to come as close as possible and attack. In combat you don't really have to waste AP for moving to enemies. Plus, you will be able to resurrect any "Daughter" of any level right from the start (or you can save them for boss). Upon playing you will unlock extremely powerful buffs. Game is completly designed around absent knowledge (you will lose almost no matter what, if you're fighting a boss with a wrong roster) and stat walls. If you don't want to recollect more than you need, lookup boss tactics. I am also pretty sure this rule applies to first round of the fight as well. So you can camp spawn points at least 1 square away without fearing to take damage. Enemies, that are about to spawn (you will see the hands on the ground), will only move closer to you on spawning, unless you are standing just in the next square. For the boss - it is better to switch 1 shield for a gun.
Scavs deal almost 0 damage, and dangerous hunters can be bullied to death with a slam spam. You can face tank with 2 shieldbearers and gungirl.When you have sufficient amount of squads to close as much synapses as you can (and not hurting level equalising), start to equip memories. Skill upgrades are too expensive at the start. Early it is better to spend your vitae for buying "Daughters".But this rule doesn't apply to boss fights. You are loosing any excesive xp (later in the game it's kinda work different, need more testing), when leveled up.Skip synapses if you don't want to overlevel someone for example. You only have to complete 1 synapse a day, so use that to balance exp gain. You should always prioritize equalising levels of "Daughters" in your pool (despite the fact, that you will get extremely fat stat boost for each level).Here is some tips regarding early gameplay. And it will just drop down to a pointless grind and self-restrictions on gameplay. So you can be in a situation, when you just won't have time to level up sacrifice material. And well, you will be partially right, unfortunately it takes very long time to level up, mainly because you can only do 1 mission with a character a day.
You maybe thought for a second, like: "Hmm, interesting stuff, makes a game more challenging, and demand a very strategic and smart play". Basically, you can only heal your squad unit by sacrificing another squad unit of the same level or higher. In case you just finished a tutorial and already checking guides (no blame for that in this game), you will be faced with a sacrifice mechanic. Leveling and combat relatedThe game is extremely punishes you for squad favouritism, with a sacrifice mechanic.