In print materials, the name and addresses must be printed or written in a legible size. The advertising must clearly designate the name of the candidate, party or political committee by or on whose behalf the same is published or broadcast. the name and address of the treasurer of a political committee or natural person who is responsible for the advertising.the name and address of the candidate and his fiscal agent or chairman.Pursuant to RSA 664:14, political advertising must include: placement on any billboards, outdoor facilities, window displays, posters, cards, pamphlets, leaflets, flyers or other circulars.transmission by telephone or facsimile.broadcasting on radio, television, or over any public address system.publication in any newspaper or other periodical or any Internet site.The term "communication" includes, but is not limited to: RSA 664:2 defines "political advertising" as "any communication…which expressly or implicitly advocates the success or defeat of any party, measure or person at any election." Candidate campaigns may make complaints concerning alleged violations of election laws prior to, during and after an election by calling the Civil Bureau at (603) 271-3650 or the Election Hotline at 1-86. These individuals are in contact with attorneys at the Attorney General's Office so that they can respond to issues that arise throughout any given statewide election. On statewide election days, the New Hampshire Attorney General sends attorneys and investigators from the office to inspect polling places for compliance with New Hampshire election laws. 5:00 p.m.) if there is an urgent matter that needs to be reported and addressed: Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Chong Yen at (603) 271-0445. Leading up to an election, candidate campaigns may contact the following attorneys after normal business hours In addition, complaint forms and other information about filing a complaint can be obtained on the Department of Justice's website. How much can a candidate accept in campaign contributions?Ĭandidate campaigns may make complaints concerning alleged violations of election laws prior to, during, and after an election by calling the Attorney General Civil Bureau at (603) 271-3650 or the Elections Hotline at 1-86. What are the basic requirements of a push-poll? What are the basic requirements of a prerecorded political message (a/k/a "robo calls")? What is the penalty for removing a political sign? What are the basic requirements of political advertising if a candidate or candidate committee has not authorized it? What basic requirements must political advertising for or against a candidate contain?

If an issue arises on the day of an election, what can a campaign do to report it? If a candidate campaign becomes aware of improper conduct by another campaign, how does it register a complaint?

Tag 57 is only intended for use on containers (trays and sacks) of First-Class Mail and Standard Mail items entered by a registered political candidate, campaign committee, or committee of a political party and in connection with a partisan or nonpartisan election. Although use of the tag is optional, when used, it provides greater visibility to containers of PCM as they move through Postal Service processing and distribution operations. The Postal Service recommends that mailers use the red PS Tag 57, Political Campaign Mailing, to identify trays and sacks that contain PCM.