
Wind chill calculator
Wind chill calculator

Or, visit Wunderground for a map of current US wind chill values. Tools to help you calculate wind chill, including the exact mathematical formula. There's also a wind chill calculator there. Heat Index Calculator - Computes the heat index based on temperature and relative humidity using a formula developed by the. The National Weather Service has a page that includes a chart of wind chill values for given wind speeds. Wind speeds of less than 5 MPH statute have virtually no wind chill factor on the old formula and less than 3 MPH. The current formula for wind chill, set by the National Weather Service, is the following: Wind Chill (Celsius, km/h) Wind-chill or windchill (popularly wind chill factor) is the lowering of body temperature due to the passing-flow of lower-temperature air. We all know that wind can make a cool winter day feel bitter cold, and the wind chill is just a way of measuring this effect. The wind chill is a measurement of what it "feels like" when wind speed is considered. So even though the thermometer reads 39☏, with the wind it feels like 34☏.įor metric units, the wind chill formula isġ3.12 + (0.6215)T - (11.37)V 0.16 + (0.3965)TV 0.It's the WIND! How do I calculate Wind Chill? That effect is called the wind chill factor. Then the felt temperature isģ5.74 + (0.6215)(39) - (35.75)7 0.16 + (0.4275)(39)7 0.16 The wind chill temperature is never higher than the air temperature, and the windchill is undefined at higher temperatures (above 10 C). Often cold temperatures can feel much colder based on the speed of the wind. If you use a different calculator, try to find one that. If the outside temperature is T degrees Fahrenheit and the wind velocity is V miles per hour, then the apparent temperature with wind chill factored in isģ5.74 + (0.6215)T - (35.75)V 0.16 + (0.4275)TV 0.16Įxample: Suppose the current temperature is 39☏ and the wind speed is 7 mph. All of these calculators use the new wind chill formula adopted by the US and other countries in 2001. Choose either US units (degrees Fahrenheit and miles per hour) or metric units (degrees Celsius and Kilometers per hour). You can also use the convenient wind chill calculator on the left. where T is the actual air temperature in Fahrenheit, V is the wind speed in mph.

wind chill calculator

The formula below will tell you what the outside weather feels like for a given temperature and wind speed. This calculator uses the formula developed by the National Weather Service in the United States, which was listed below. You can find this information on the news or online weather reports. Choose either US units (degrees Fahrenheit and miles per hour) or metric units (degrees. To calculate wind chill, you only need to know the current outside temperature and the speed at which the wind is blowing. You can also use the convenient wind chill calculator on the left. We call it wind chill because wind is what primarily makes cold weather feel even more frigid. Theres also a wind chill calculator there. The wind chill factor, or simply "wind chill," is the phenomenon in which the outside temperature feels colder than what the thermometer reads. The National Weather Service has a page that includes a chart of wind chill values for given wind speeds.

Wind chill calculator